
I think that shopping is one of the highlights of my week.  It is a task that I know many dislikes and finds it more of a forced time than a fun time.  But I love shopping and I think part of that is the social aspect of getting out and finding things that make me happy.  Now food is not a good way to bring joy to your life because it can be a detriment to your health but I find that I really enjoy getting out and seeing all the lovely candy boxes in my favorite aisle. But in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has made shopping a little more complicated and I want to go over the changes from beginning to now and how things have transpired.  Just in case we go through this again later in the year you will know what to expect if you just moved here.

What we did for shopping in the first few weeks was almost scary.  I remember the news saying that all shopping was dangerous and that a virus that could kill instantly or be transferred to your family could kill your old relatives.  The scare was that everything anyone touched could then be easily transferred to anyone who was old and if they had a hurt immune system you could kill them.  So we all were afraid of everything.  No one wants to pass a deadly virus to their parents or grandparents. That was the big fear so we went to the grocery stores and stayed away from everyone.  No one got close and everyone went home and disinfected each item. 

I mean we went to the trunk with bleach and sprayed down and rubbed every inch of every item we purchased.  This was insane and it was later found out that the virus could only survive on items for a few hours and that direct sunlight killed it instantly.  The lies we were told about it living up to 5 to 10 days on items were just that lies.  So all the bleach we sprayed on our favorite candy boxes was a totally waste of time. The cost of all the cleaning supplies was very high and part of me thinks the whole thing was a scam. But we all wanted to be safe and so that is what we did.

Several weeks later they started to close down all small stores.  That means we went totally socialistic and the government started telling companies rather they could be open or not.  This meant that we were all funneled into large big box stores.  Apparently it was ok for all of us to close together in the same location instead of spreading out.  This was another shady thing, but we all were told to wear masks and to stay 6 feet apart.  Shopping became no longer a fun time.  It was a time of fear and of people judging anyone who read a mask box stating that it didn't stop COVID-19 even though it was required by law. 

Now stores allow everyone in but are still requiring masks.  It is really not needed and the fact that it is still a law in most places is shocking, but in order to shop, you have to have a mask.  So I keep a spare in my car so if I feel the need to get some fresh food I am able to. Now you know what to expect if this happens again.

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